

SEO is that set of strategies and techniques aimed at increasing the organic (unpaid) level visibility of any website in search engine results. SEO is the acronym of search engine optimization, which literally stands for search engine optimization.

SEO is a web marketing activity that differs from SEA (Search Engine Advertising), it includes all those operations aimed at giving visibility to a website through the use of paid ads. SEM (search engine marketing) includes both.

But let's try to understand what is actually meant by SEO: let's imagine that we want to do a search on Google, for the keyword, "red shoes," Google will return the list most relevant to the keywords you entered, in the first three positions of organic search we find the first three results most relevant to our search, after paid ads.

Seo is divided into two blocks seo onsite and seo offsite, seo onsite are all those operations done within the site that allow its optimization for search engines, seo offisite is everything that is done outside of one's website.

Gli elementi della SEO onsite:

  • UX design: search engines, especially Google, are very attentive to user experience and ease of navigation within a web site, so it is important to build a site that is easily navigable and has a responsive design for different devices;
  • Sitemap: sending the sitemap to search engines is intended to make them index the pages of our site, so that when a user performs a search on the Internet, the browser will be able to analyze and extrapolate the information within the pages, and then return them to the user among the SERP results according to their relevance;
  • Title, description and url;
  • Analysis of keywords in the text;
  • Header tags: these types of tags are critical to make search engines understand the hierarchy of information on a page;
  • Alt tags: are the tags given to images, which are able to make the browser understand the content of an image so that it can display them among the search results;
  • Use of the right Bold tags;
  • Structured data: this is additional information that can be included in text snippets to aid display in search results, it can usually be: the preparation time of a recipe, the rating of a product or service, etc;
  • Speed of loading site pages.

The elements of offsite Seo:

  • Backlinks, external links pointing to our site
  • Digital PR
  • Social media

Tools for seo:

However, we have to start considering that the user's current search through classic search engines, as of today, is gradually beginning to be joined by voice search, with that whole series of Personal Assistant devices, such as Alexa, Siri or Google; thus reconsidering the whole language from an SEO perspective or better called PASO (Personal Assistant Engine Optimization), no longer designed for a search engine that scans millions of textual and visual information by returning it in the form of pages but rather increasingly closer to a conversational language of the user.